The Collective


This famous container saw the light of day in 1998 and was the brainchild of Thierry Girault, who upon returning form studying in Los Angeles, had tghe desire to create a dynamic artistic impulse in the Haute-Savoie region. Very soon the collective was inviting soloists such as Denis Badault in 1999 and they recorded their first CD in 2000. The procession of invited guests continued with for exapmle Olivier Ker Ourio, Benoit Sourisse, then Rita Marcotulli and Glenn Ferris for the recording of the now famous album in tribute to Frank Zappa 2003. Other invited guests include Franck Tortiller 2004 and N’gûyen Le in 2006, the same year that saw the release of their fourth album, “Ego”.


Amaury Bach
flute, tenor sax
Diego Fano
alto sax
Ernie Odoom
soprano sax, tenor sax, vocals
Laurent Desbiolles
narration, sax baryton
Manu Amadei Giuseppi
alto sax, clarinet, sax fx
Guillaume Lavallard
fugelhorn, trumpet
Guillaume Pluton
fugelhorn, trumpet
Loïc Burdin
fugelhorn, trumpet
Jérémie Creix
Stephane Monnet
bass trombone
Vincent Camer
Karim Maurice
bass guitar
Pierre Michel
Thibaud Pontet
Thierry Girault
piano keyboards
Dan Felice
Enzo d’Agostino
Association n° 0741012538 - loi 1901
LEBOCAL, 316 chemin des prés du biel 74210 FAVERGES
SIRET 420 706 350 000 14 - Ape 92.3A
Licence d'entrepreneur de spectacles n°2-142885